Hey! I’m Loren, but I was dubbed LoLo by the great Asher “Smash” Benrubi! I started in radio at age 16 and fell in love with it! As a graduate of Broadcast Center in St Louis, I am purely blessed to be able to follow in the footsteps of those before me that I look up to. I’m a MidWest boy through and through, go Cards & Blues and I cheer for both Mizzou and Illini! I LOVE anything Will Ferrell is in! Anchorman is my all time favorite since I saw it in the theater 4 times! I’m a fan of ANYTHING involving animation, particularly older animation such as Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, The Flintstones and such. I’ve got a boxer dog, Prince, who is my world. Follow me on social media @lorenonradio on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Love to have you come along this great radio journey with me!